Investing in, Buying And Selling Land

Corey Kupfer
4 min readMay 10, 2022


Mark Podolsky is a land geek who’s been buying and selling land since 2001! He is a man who entered the hustling phase from an early stage of his life — always been a kind of deal junkie growing up. Mark is the owner of Frontier Properties, a reputable and successful land investing company. He is the author of Dirt Rich; the ultimate guide to helping you build a passive income.

After a career in investment banking, specializing in mergers and acquisitions by private equity groups, Mark was finally introduced into the land investment niche by a newly employed member of his firm. He has successfully closed over 5,500 land deals with an average ROI of over 300% on cash flips and over 1,000% on the deals he sells with financing terms.

Do you want to escape solo-economic dependency? Do you want to work smart, not hard? Stay glued to this episode.

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Investing In Raw Land

Raw land is a vacant plot of land without an established building. Raw land investment is a tremendously viable market and opportunity that a million people can get into. The truth is, no one knows the value of their land; you just have to understand how to invest in land properly like a real estate developer. This investment could produce passive income and a large profit margin without YOU breaking a sweat or breaking the bank.

Flipping Of Land; Buying and Selling

Land flipping is known to be one of the most popular methods of land investment. The process is quite straightforward; you buy a parcel of land at a low cost and sell for a higher price.

Yes! It’s that simple.

You have to change your directions to generate large profits in this investment niche. You need to get the proper property entitlements to add marketability — entitlement could include doing the work to get the property cleared for development, getting property zoned or rezoned, and the permit for builders before and after land acquisition. This adds value to the property, which in turn generates more income.

When this is done and your land acquisition offer is accepted, you need to do more research — this includes things like; is the property now yours? What’s the actual back taxes? Are there any breaks in the title? What are the restrictions? What’s compelling about the property? What’s the access like?

After you do your research and get your marketing strategy in place, you can go ahead and sell to the best buyers; the best buyer in this situation is the neighbors. You can get in touch with them and say, “Hey, I have a great opportunity you don’t want to miss. It’s an opportunity for you to protect your privacy; protect your view and get to know your neighbor”. Often, the neighbor buys the property, but if they pass, you can take your market online — we all know how effective social media is these days!

There are helpful sites and platforms everywhere. You just have to go where the market is. Some of them include:

  • Craigslist
  • Meta; Facebook
  • You can also use land sites, including —,,, and many more!

Now that this is settled, it’s time for you to start flipping. The competition is stiff, but all you need to do is make your offer irresistible to buyers. An example of a way to go about this is to go with the down-payment method — you could ask your prospective buyer for the down-payment of the exact amount you closed the deal with. With this method, you are already safe because you’ve got back your investment capital. You can then proceed with the proper documentation and research, which would add value to the property and save the prospective buyer time, cost, and risk since every aspect is already settled.

Your prospective clients include;

  • People that need land for recreational purposes.
  • People preparing for the worst or hoping for the best.
  • People that do not like people.
  • People in the military.

This is an investment opportunity you shouldn’t miss! It’s a known fact that no one knows the value of their land. You can take advantage of this lapse as an investor. As they say, “LAND IS THE ONLY THING THAT LASTS!” You will actually run out of money before running out of deal flow. Funny, right? But it’s true!

Mistakes People Make In Land Investment

It’s hard to make mistakes in this niche of investment, but the common mistakes include:

  • Purchasing a property where there’s an environmental issue — trust me, you don’t want to do that!
  • Buying just a piece of land — you don’t want to stop with just a piece of land. It will definitely slow down your income rate. You need to keep the deals moving!

Here Is Something For You To Reflect On!

To be successful in any form of investment, YOU NEED TO:

  • Get your time back; don’t get exhausted by packing yourself up with loads of business. You need to pick the one you’re good at and FOCUS. Get that time back!
  • Get rid of “the superman syndrome” — thinking that only you will do a great job with each part of your business. It’s just not true!
  • Start thinking, “who will do this?” and not “how will this get done?”

Corey Kupfer is an expert strategist, negotiator and dealmaker. He has more than 35 years of professional deal-making and negotiating experience. Corey is a successful entrepreneur, attorney, consultant, author and professional speaker. He is deeply passionate about deal-driven growth. He is also the creator and host of the DealQuest Podcast.

If you want to find out how deal-ready you are, take the Deal- Ready Assessment today!



Corey Kupfer
Corey Kupfer

Written by Corey Kupfer

Corey Kupfer is an expert strategist, negotiator and dealmaker with 35+ years of experience. He is also the creator and host of the DealQuest Podcast.

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