Unique, Revenue Generating Deals
Noah Rosenfarb counsels entrepreneurs who are looking for ways to enhance their wealth while working less, living more, and enjoying financial abundance. His 20+ years of real estate investment experience have taught him that fractional ownership in large assets is an excellent revenue generating tool to create multiple passive income streams.
Through 32 acquisitions, he’s built a portfolio of 3,500+ apartment units. He also has over 500,000 sq ft of office buildings and retail shopping centers. He’s a 3rd generation CPA, and has been studying the tax code his whole life. Noah’s mission is to find all the legal ways to reduce or eliminate taxes, which is a guaranteed way to increase cash flow.
Entrepreneurial Beginnings
As a young kid, Noah saw that his dad was able to use entrepreneurship to put food on the table. It’s how he created a life for himself. This held a great deal of appeal! As a result, Noah had his own entrepreneurial ambitions from an early age.
The principal at his middle school took notice (due to his candy selling activities before, during, and after school). He offered him the opportunity to start a school store. Although he wasn’t making money anymore, he did get the experience of running the store, from sales to product to profits.
After reaching adulthood, Noah found himself providing expert testimony in litigations. It didn’t take long to realize that he didn’t enjoy profiting off of the struggle of divorce. A move and business transition led Noah to start a family office for affluent entrepreneurs. Now, he personally serves as the primary financial advisor for a dozen families that have a net worth in excess of $20 million. His holistic approach focuses equally on preparing the money for the family and the family for the money.
In addition, Noah has sold eight companies, owns over a dozen, and continues to acquire businesses, websites and real estate. He brings personal experience beyond being a technical expert to high performing families that want to balance qualitative and quantitative financial advice.
Entrepreneurs are Value Creators
Noah believes that most entrepreneurs are value creators. He’s seen that when entrepreneurs get out of bed and recognize that what they do doesn’t hold value, they become dissatisfied with their work and businesses.
At some point, entrepreneurs have to get serious about where they spend their time and what they want their lives to look like. As part of their onboarding process and vision crafting work, Noah’s firm helps business owners map out their “ideal week” post-operational world. He encourages them to think about what they would actually DO without their businesses. Skiing? Golfing? Volunteering? Who is there? What would you be doing? What would you not be doing?
Noah shares that, personally, giving to causes he cares about is a great benefit he enjoys as a result of his own success. Achieving “true freedom” hasn’t been all about the size of his net worth, but rather the impact he makes on his family and within his community. Through philanthropy, he gets exposed to amazing people whose path to significance inspires him. By actively participating and not just writing checks, he witnesses the effect we have on others in need. This virtuous cycle gives him reasons to continue to create value for others.
VC Investing
From angel investing to holding royalties, Noah has experience with a variety of investment techniques. Currently, he uses his firm, Figi Royalty, to provide capital for internet-based businesses.
He also found that he doesn’t like investing just his own capital. Instead, he prefers to make a larger investment that includes a pool of other people’s money. This allows the investment to have a greater impact, and also allows Noah to bring other people into the journey. It’s also more efficient.
He also highly values cash flow. He finds he prefers investments that are capable of generating cash flow early on. He’s looking for consistent, long term cash flow potential that will optimize sooner rather than later. Noah’s approach has been influenced by Jeff Hoffman, who utilizes angel investing in lieu of philanthropy as a way of giving back and building a better world.
This creates a virtuous cycle in which you were able to make money, improve the world, empower entrepreneurs, and really establish a win-win situation across the board.
Revenue Generating
Noah shares that his firm has pioneered a way for small niche businesses with low fixed-costs to raise money via royalties. He invests in the company and receives a revenue percentage off the top line so the business owner retains full control over the spending decisions and expenses.
This is not a partnership or equity investment. Nor is it a loan creating debt. It is an investment that allows a company to raise necessary capital in exchange for a percentage of revenue.
To hear more about the details of this truly unique deal structure, listen to the full episode here!
Corey Kupfer is an expert strategist, negotiator and dealmaker. He has more than 35 years of professional deal-making and negotiating experience. Corey is a successful entrepreneur, attorney, consultant, author and professional speaker who is passionate about deal-driven growth. He is also the creator and host of the DealQuest Podcast.
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